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Your Amazing Life: with Colleen Blake-Miller

Mar 27, 2019

On today's episode Colleen discusses with listeners how the nasty habit of comparing yourself with others can get in the way of living your best life.

Colleen explores 3 ways to avoid getting sucked into the comparison trap, and she challenges listeners to focus less on what others have going on, and zero in on the...

Mar 9, 2019

On today's episode Colleen discusses with listeners 3 confidence killers that are easy and very common to get in the habit of doing. 

Listeners are challenged to take a closer look at how they are giving up what should be theirs, for stuff that belongs to others.  Colleen presents a new perspective on what...

Feb 24, 2019

On today's episode Colleen explores lessons listeners can learn from going through painful break ups in relationships (friendships, partnerships and more). 

Listeners are challenged to respond in ways that will allow them to grow through the pain of a broken relationship. 

Be sure to share your thought with Colleen...

Feb 15, 2019

On today's episode Colleen explores ideas listeners have formed related to being loved and looks at how those ideas help and or stand in the way of accessing the love they desire.


Listeners are challenged to become more honest with themselves, and the significant people in their life in asking for what they really...

Feb 8, 2019

On today's episode Colleen encourages listeners to boldly think about what they long to see their lives become, and she invites them to begin planning to make those dreams become their reality.

Be sure to share your thought with Colleen through comments, DM via social media, or email.