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Your Amazing Life: with Colleen Blake-Miller

May 3, 2023

Today on the podcast we're joined by special guest, Siobhan Bent! Siobhan is a Marketplace Minister, Mortgage Broker, Author, Financial Coach, and Podcaster, dedicated to educating and empowering both the Kingdom and her community. Join Siobhan and Colleen as they discuss the season changes of life, the importance of intentionality, and becoming tenacious.




Stay connected with our guest, Siobhan Bent!

Siobhan's Personal Instagram: @iamsiobhanbent

Siobhan's Business Instagram: @mortgagesformoms




Be sure to leave a review and rating, you can also share your thoughts with Colleen through comments and DM’s via social media, or email.


Instagram: @colleenblakemiller




Episode edited by Alex Davidson

Instagram:  @byalexdavidson