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Your Amazing Life: with Colleen Blake-Miller

Jun 30, 2020

On today's episode Colleen talks with listeners about how to create a sense of belonging.

How does belonging happen?  Is it something others do for you, or is it something that you can actually control?

Colleen shares ideas on how listeners can find belonging in the spaces they occupy, and discusses how to make...

Jun 1, 2020

On today's episode Colleen talks with listeners about the importance of being still.

We are globally facing many difficult times, and in the midst of it all it is important to know how to hit the 'pause' button, get re-centered, and find peace.

Colleen shares 8 Stillness Hacks to support listeners grow in...

May 1, 2020

On today's episode Colleen talk with listeners about the power of their words.

Colleen explores 3 easy ways to build statements grounded in words of life that will support them through challenging seasons of life. 

During difficult times how we talk to ourselves and about the circumstances we are facing will affect...

Apr 1, 2020

On today's episode Colleen discusses with listeners how to level up their mindset.

Colleen explores 4 tips to help listeners improve their outlook on life, so that their thoughts push them closer to their goals instead of getting in their way. 

During difficult times a person's mindset can be healthy and support...

Mar 1, 2020

On today's episode Colleen discusses with listeners how to cultivate more love in their life.

Colleen explores 5 tips to help listeners intentionally invite more love into their lives by actions that are within their control. 

We all long for and crave love in our lives, and often feel at a loss when we aren't able...